About Page

I am going to start this ‘About Page’ by talking about how I don’t like ‘About Pages’, even though I realise that talking about how I don’t like ‘About Pages’ on my ‘About Page’ potentially isn’t the best way to go about things.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against ‘About Pages’ other than the fact that I don’t like them at all.

The concept of an ‘About Page’ makes me feel quite nervous.

I think this might be due to the fact that I associate the idea of telling people about myself with stressful situations.


When asked ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ in an interview, the average person will tend to formulate a relevant, well-articulated answer about how their past experiences have provided them with the skillset required to perform the role in question.

However, whenever I encounter this question, I usually find myself moving rapidly towards the verge of an existential breakdown.


Suffering an existential crisis at the beginning of an interview is not ideal.

It is difficult to answer consequent questions such as ‘Why Did You Apply For This Job?’ when you are unsure of the job’s existence in concrete reality.


This is that game that you play when you are with a new group of people and nobody knows each other very well.

You go around the group and everyone says an interesting fact about themselves in an attempt to kick-start the bonding process.

It is a commonly accepted notion that a ‘game’ is built upon the principle of fun.

However, I have generally found the levels of fun produced by the ‘Interesting Fact’ game are somewhat diminished when you discover that you are potentially the most boring person in the world.

No activity in existence is more adept at bringing you face to face with your own profound uninterestingness than ‘The Interesting Fact’ Game.


I realise that we are now a significant way into this ‘About Page’ and I haven’t really told you anything about myself other than the fact that I sometimes have Shreddies for breakfast.

However, as we all know, nothing tells you more about the core essence of a person than their preferred choice of breakfast cereal.

So I’m going to move on to talking about my blog.

‘Some Words That Say What I Think’ was the result of an incredibly original series of thoughts.

hbhSurprisingly, ‘Some Words That Say What I Think’ mostly consists of words.

However, I have also decided to illustrate the blog.

People often say that a picture has the ability to speak a thousand words.

This is a beautiful saying.

However, in this case, it is completely irrelevant because most of my pictures also have words on them.

If you like, you can follow the blog by clicking on the links below this picture in the side bar:


You can also follow me on my Facebook , Instagram and Twitter accounts which I update on a regularly irregular basis with blog posts and cartoons like these:

texting_LIbeauty_LIproblems_LI (4)fish_LI (2)edfcabgraduate_LI (2)spidert_LIbb_LI (2)iugymap_LI



49 thoughts on “About Page

  1. I don’t follow many blogs – I have enough trouble keeping up with my own small offering, but I will definitely be looking forward to reading more of your ‘collections of words about my average, bog standard’ life! So glad to meet you. 🙂


  2. Thank you for your like on my blog, so I could find yours!
    You have a great sense of humor, your drawings are amazing and this blog is really a fantastic place!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m envious – not only of your talent for drawing and your sense of humour – but also because you can eat Shreddies for breakfast. I had to give them up several years ago, when I was diagnosed with diabetes. So munch a bowl for me.


  4. This is the best “About Page” I’ve ever read!! I was smiling the whole way through and I can’t wait to check out your blog posts. By the way, thank you for the Like on A Couple of Stars and a Happy Face. I appreciate you stopping by and hope you visit again!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I simply love the relatable and non-distant feel to all your posts….your hilariously crafted drawings are really entertaining!! And this for an about page, fellow earthling, is genius.


  6. Jeesh… I haven’t even got past your about page, and I already love, love, love your blog! You have the best About Page ever. For hating “About Pages” and being “uninteresting,” you must have the most loved and interesting “About Page” I’ve ever seen.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This page is hilarious! I LOVE IT! I wish I could have come up with something like that for my about page…. Absolutely awesome! 🙂


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